Lon Lockwood to the Rescue! Call New York's Most Trusted Electrician Today.

Top-Rated Electrical Company in Webster, NY

Lon Lockwood Electric is your premier electrical service provider in Webster, New York. As a family-owned and -operated company, we take pride in delivering top-notch electrical solutions to our customers. From residential wiring and lighting solutions to complex installations, we have the expertise to handle a wide range of electrical needs.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your home’s electrical system, install energy-efficient lighting, or ensure your electrical system is running smoothly, we have you covered.

Residential Electrical Services

At Lon Lockwood, we offer a comprehensive range of residential electrical services to ensure your home’s electrical systems are safe, efficient, and up to code. Our services include:

Call Lon Lockwood at (585) 766-4702 to book professional electrical services in Webster.

Electrical Panel Upgrade

Is your home’s electrical panel outdated or struggling to meet your power demands? It might be time for an electrical panel upgrade. Our experts can assess your situation and provide the necessary upgrades to ensure your electrical system can handle modern power requirements.

Signs you need an upgrade include:

  • Frequent circuit breaker tripping: If your circuit breakers are constantly tripping, it could be a sign that your electrical panel is struggling to handle the load.
  • Outdated panel: If your electrical panel is decades old and hasn’t been upgraded, it likely doesn’t meet modern safety standards or energy demands.
  • Dimming or flickering lights: Lights dimming when you turn on an appliance or flickering unexpectedly can signal that your panel isn’t providing a consistent power flow.
  • Upgrading to high-powered appliances: If you’re adding high-powered appliances like air conditioners, electric vehicles, or home theater systems, your electrical panel might need to be upgraded to handle the increased load.
  • Safety concerns: If you’ve experienced any electrical shocks, sparks, or have concerns about the safety of your electrical system, an upgrade can help eliminate potential hazards.

Is it time to upgrade your electrical panel? Contact us today at (585) 766-4702 to schedule service in Webster.

Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Installation

Illuminate your living spaces with Lon Lockwood Electric’s indoor and outdoor lighting solutions. Our expertise covers a wide range of options, from elegant chandelier and recessed lighting installations indoors to practical floodlight and motion sensor lighting for your outdoor areas.

We also specialize in timers and dimmer switch installations to give you complete control over your lighting ambiance.

EV Charging Station Installation

Considering adding an electric vehicle charging station to your home? Lon Lockwood is your solution for a smooth and hassle-free transition. With the growing adoption of EVs, installing a home charging station comes with several benefits for you and the environment, including:

  • Convenience: Charging your electric vehicle at home saves you time and effort compared to visiting public charging stations. You can conveniently charge your vehicle overnight or during off-peak hours, ensuring it’s ready for your daily travels.
  • Cost savings: Charging your EV at home is often more cost-effective than using public charging stations. You can take advantage of lower electricity rates, leading to potential long-term savings.
  • Control and flexibility: Having your own charging station gives you greater control over your charging schedule. You can tailor your charging routine to your needs and preferences.
  • Home value: Installing an EV charging station can increase the value of your home, especially as electric vehicles become more prevalent.

Schedule Electrical Service in Webster, NY

When you choose Lon Lockwood Electric, you’re choosing a team of highly trained technicians dedicated to delivering quality electrical solutions. We understand the importance of safe and reliable electrical systems in your home.

Whether you need residential electrical services, lighting installations, EV charging stations, or more, Lon Lockwood Electric is your trusted partner in Webster.

Contact us today at (585) 766-4702 to schedule electrical service for your Webster home.