Why Is My Electric Bill So High?
Energy costs can be a major portion of any family’s budget. If you seem to be spending an unreasonable amount on your electrical service, more may be happening than the typical high energy rates in the Rochester area.
Perhaps you have an older appliance drawing more power than necessary, some energy vampires, or one too many incandescent bulbs. Here are some of the more common reasons for a high electrical bill:
Increased Usage
Sometimes, the cause of an abnormally high electrical bill can simply be increased usage. For instance, if the weather is too hot or cold, you may rely more on your HVAC system, space heaters, or window air conditioners to keep your home comfortable, increasing your overall usage.
If someone is home more often during the day, usage can increase. Similarly, adding high-draw appliances like a second refrigerator or an on-demand water heater can affect your bill.
You Use Incandescent Bulbs for Lighting
Older incandescent light bulbs can produce a warm, pleasing light but can also significantly increase your utility costs. LED bulbs use only a fraction of the electricity; they last longer and don’t get hot to the touch.
And, with the latest models, you can select from a variety of color temperatures so you can enjoy a warm white light without sacrificing energy efficiency.
Inefficient Appliances
Outdated appliances can be a major contributor to a high electrical bill. Just heating and air conditioning alone can account for 43% of your energy costs, so if you have an inefficient HVAC system, it may be time to upgrade.
Other common culprits include older refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, televisions, and computers.
You Frequently Use Electricity During Peak Hours
Many electric suppliers charge more per kilowatt hour during peak usage periods. This is typically the afternoon and evening hours when people come home from work or school.
Also, in the summer, afternoons are usually the hottest, requiring more air conditioning, while in the winter, mornings are the coldest, requiring more use of the heating system.
If you program your HVAC system to run more often outside of peak hours while doing laundry and dishes or charging an electric vehicle during off-peak periods, you can save money on your electric bill.
Electrical Leaks
Electrical leaks are small bits of power used when you expect something to be completely off.
Most modern appliances, televisions, and electronics use a small amount of electricity, even when they’re off or not in use. This lets them respond quickly when you turn them on, use the remote, or perform tasks in the background.
All these bits of power can add up quickly, adding to your electrical bills even when they’re “off,” which is why they’re often called “energy vampires.”
Energy-Saving Tips
Keeping your electrical usage to a minimum can save you money and boost your home’s energy efficiency. Here are a few simple ways you can save energy around your Rochester home:
- Unplug chargers & electronics: These devices consume power even while not in use, so to save energy, either unplug them or use a power strip to switch them off completely.
- Turn off lights & ceiling fans: Running lights and fans in an empty room is a waste of energy, so to maximize your savings, get in the habit of switching them off as you exit each room.
- Switch to LED lights: LED lights use significantly less energy than incandescent bulbs and even older compact fluorescents or CFLs.
- Install a programmable thermostat: To save energy, keep your home a few degrees cooler while you’re at work in the winter or warmer in the summer, and program it to adjust the temperature before arriving home.
- Add a usage meter: An electrical usage meter can help you monitor how much energy you’re using and monitor any changes in real time to help you save money.
Schedule an Electrical Inspection
Are you ready to start saving? Call Lon Lockwood Electric for an electrical inspection in Rochester or Webster, NY. We can recommend changes that help you save energy and money.
Our company is family-owned and -operated, and we offer top-rated service with highly trained technicians, excellent financing options, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Trust our team for prompt, reliable service and expert help for all your electrical needs, from electrical repairs and maintenance to electrical panel upgrades and rewiring.
Call (585) 766-4702 today to schedule an electrical inspection in Webster or Rochester.